Friday, October 14, 2005

Freedom at midnight
so its midnight again!!! , most people especially hostelers would affirmate to the testimony that the zeroth hour are amongst the most rejoicing hours of the day( holds true in my case at least).

Most people including my parents think that i m a subtle patient of what doctors call insomnia, the reason being exceeding ambits of tension regarding studies and over thinking over trivial matters but in reality its the amenity of night-time which encourages me to witness itself; that to an extent of obssession which at times is even beyond my own imagination.

U may call it strange and weird and all i would say to this is that its true, i m a strange person. There are times when i m not able to even justify myself about certain acts forget about justify it to others( yes we do have to do such things if we want to be called as social beings)

hey but why m i saying all this , again a strange phenomenon. anyways my sets of pleasures include
  • reading a romantic novel or even a serious thought provoking one by a feeble light with something to feed on
  • watching the landscape by moon light ( havent had much of an experience owing to the concrete jungle present in the vicinity)
  • watching the queen itself in its full show
  • standing in the balcony and sniffing the fresh air
  • standing by the railings of the balcony and wishing that gravity could become non existent force for a apt duration
  • watching the highway as far as the vision allowed and to the limit that the sleep permits

There are certain more but they cant be mentioned owing to the space. To some this may seem hilarious but to me they the reasons which prevent me from moping and help me enjoy everyday


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